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Montabliz Viaduct

Smart Hospital Cantabria marks its fourth anniversary with a new communications and social extension programme

The company invested 100 million Euros in improvement works and equipment in Valdecilla, where it is providing 12 non-medical services at a fixed price for a period of 20 years. SHC currently employs more than 650 staff. “We are working with the same enthusiasm as on day one, and strive to increase our level of […]

Cintra takes part in the SEOPAN workshops

Infrastructures: recovering a strategic sector for Spain was the title chosen by SEOPAN (Association of Spanish Construction Companies), for its annual event at the Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo held on the 3rd and 4th of July in Santander. As well as several professionals from Cintra being in attendance, José Ángel Tamariz, the Director for Europe and New […]

Cintra participates in the SEOPAN open days

Infrastructure sector challenges for the new government was the title selected by SEOPAN for its annual meeting held at Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo in Santander on July. Andrés Sacristán, Europe and New Markets Director, and Federico Gredilla, Commercial Director, represented the company at these open days. This year, the meeting analysed the public infrastructure challenges […]

Santander City Lab works on analytical models that will make it possible to render urban services more efficient

Santander City Lab, the research centre formed by the Santander Town Council, the University of Cantabria and Ferrovial Servicios (known up to now as the Intelligent Cities of Santander Research Centre – CiCiS in the Spanish acronym) is working on the definition of analytical models that will enable us to improve the efficiency of the […]

Unveiling plans for the new Valdecilla hospital

Smart Hospital Cantabria, a joint venture between Ferrovial Services and SIEC, will expand and upgrade the hospital and its basic facilities and install cutting-edge technology at a cost of 101 million euro. It will also manage non-medical related services at Valdecilla during 20 years for 760 million euro. Smart Hospital Cantabria, a joint venture between […]

Valdecilla Hospital in Spain

Ferrovial and City of Santander to establish a Research Center for Intelligent Cities

The new technology development center will focus on projects related to managing cities. By hosting the center, Santander will become the “urban laboratory” for its projects. The Center will also develop a training program and promote encounters between researchers, companies and entrepreneurs. Ferrovial and the City of Santander have reached an agreement to create a […]

Montabliz Viaduct Infographic

Inauguration of the Molledo-Pesquera section of the A-67 highway, built by Ferrovial Agromán

Spain’s Infrastructure Minister, Magdalena Álvarez, today inaugurated the Molledo-Pesquera section of the A-67 highway, which was built by Ferrovial Agromán. The Minister was accompanied by the President of the Cantabria Regional Government, Miguel Ángel Revilla, the CEO of Ferrovial’s Construction division, José Manuel Ruiz de Gopegui, and the Central Government’s representative in the Cantabria region, […]